January 13, 2010

Weekly Photo Assignment

Good golly miss Molly! It's been a while since I've been on here. Sorry about that. Christmas season is always filled with wonderful, busy madness, and it usually takes until about now to come down off of the roller coaster. So, I'm back. Today, though, is a photo. One of my things I plan to do this year is to improve my photography skills (or at least acquire some). So I found this website Digital Photography School and it's all free. There are weekly assignments posted. This week's assignment was to take a picture of your camera. Well, it's hard to take a picture of your own camera and make it very original so I took a picture of my child and his camera. There are a few of me with my camera and of my old camera so I'll share those here too. Comment if you have suggestions for improvement.

This one is my most favorite of the camera shots. He's such a little photographer in training mimicking mommy all the way.

The next one is a cute shot, and I love that his feet are sticking out behind him while he figures out his next picture.

This one is cute, too, just because he was sleepy, but wanted to keep taking pictures so he was resting while he reviewed his pictures.

Here is my first digital camera that really got me hooked on taking pictures. I've had others in the past, but this one took really good photos for me, and it was a well-loved camera for a newbie in the photo world. Alas, I have moved on to a bigger camera, and one day I'll move on up again to a DSLR, but my new Sony is complex enough for me right now.

And, last but not least is me with my new digital camera. I took this one in the bathroom with the tri fold mirrors on the medicine cabinet. It's pretty cool, but not original, I'm afraid.