November 20, 2008

wow! what a month!

Well, if you've been wondering where I've been, the better question might be where haven't I been. The answer to that question is that I haven't been at home! LOL. My family has been missing me too so I've had to stop and smell the roses with them.

So, what have I been doing? Well. Let's see. Last weekend was Women of Faith conference. A friend and I went to that and were very much convicted and refreshed all at once. It's an experience I would highly recommend. Then this week has been spent wrapping up ( no pun intended, LOL) our MOPS ( group's Operation Christmas child shoebox drive. We were able to collect somewhere around 43 boxes. Not too shabby for a small group doing this for the first time ever. So I got those boxes dropped off at the drop-off place yesterday and they are now on their way! Also, this week we had our MOPS group meeting where we had our creative activity. Since I am the creative activities leader, I spent the last week or so with a friend designing our project. We made cards to donate to Children's hospital. So we ended up with 106 cards--most of which came from the moms who are members, but a few came from the moppets. My friend and I designed eight cards to cater to various age ranges and male and female of each age range. It was lots of fun to come up with something simple to do and still cater to all those groups. Pictures and info to come in a later post.

So now that I can breathe again, a huge sigh of relief and a very loud rendition of hallelujah chorus are in order!! LOL.

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